Miron Life Seminars

For humanity as a whole, change, awakening and enlightenment, and even evolution itself, is achieved through the experience of individuals.
- Come join me -

The Creator of Miron Life Seminars

Dr. Tamás Miron GYŐRY-VARGA

Welcome to the MironSeminars website!
After many years of international teaching experience, I have finally managed to make some of the audio recordings of my courses available to you online.

Of course, the development of transpersonal skills often requires personal presence and support, but I decided that learning the course materials online and trying them out at home would give you a better understanding of the benefits you can gain from developing these skills.

Of course, there are ongoing small group seminars in the country and around the world, where in practice you can further sharpen your perception of the extrasensory and suprasensory dimensions.

Who am I and why should you come to a Miron Life Seminar?

After several degrees, I met my master in my twenties, from whom I learned Eastern (Yunnan) medicine and folk medicine, and most importantly, I learned to use my innate abilities properly. I lived beside him and travelled the world with him for 7 years. After I had finished my studies, I came home and joined international research and education projects along with further studies. I received my professorships and doctorates in theology and psychology at American, German and Hungarian universities. I speak 6 foreign languages. I am married and I work together with my wife.

Popular Seminars

The basic seminar is the foundation for all other courses, start with this one, after all, a strong castle is built on sturdy rock!


The practical experience, awareness and empowerment of the qualities and levels of consciousness that one experiences. Training the mind and soul, reaching a harmonious and happy person’s consciousness with the help of the theoretical and practice-based seminar.

ESP seminar

The acquisition of the so-called extrasensory/paranormal abilities through a world unique practical methodology. 

Everyday skills that can be used effectively in all areas of life.
ESP – Extrasensory Perception

Supra seminar

Today's one and only complex, effective and fast method for acquiring the so-called suprasensory, extracorporeal abilities. 

Effective methods that can be used in everyday life.
Suprasensory Perception
More seminars >>

Come and meet me!

Wondering who I am and what Miron seminars are like?
— The effective tool of consciousness —
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