Miron Seminars Events

"It is never the outside world that happens inside you, it is always what you decide to happen within you. It is the way you relate to the outside world that is going on inside you."


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries
NEW Arrivals

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries

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Introduction to Higher Conscious State - The practical experience, awareness and empowerment of the qualities and levels of consciousness that one experiences. Training the mind and soul, reaching a harmonious and happy person’s consciousness with the help of the theoretical and practice-based seminar.
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Awareness of love

A seminar on understanding and feeling love - simply and clearly.
Because love is a WAY to learn, experience and grow.
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Relationship awareness

Practical and theoretical training in consciously creating, living and managing a happy, balanced and supportive relationship.
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Awareness of abundance

Our goal is to help students understand the basic concepts of abundance and creation, and to become aware of how it works through special exercises and meditation!
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ESP – Extrasensory Perception

The acquisition of the so-called extrasensory/paranormal abilities through a world unique practical methodology. Everyday skills that can be used effectively in all areas of life.
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Trauma management

The resolution of spiritual, mental blocks and traumas in altered states of deep consciousness (theta and delta). Resolving of fears and anxieties. Clearing mental, spiritual and energetical structures around birth and childhood.
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Silence and ONEness

The seminar aims to understand and experience the boundlessness of the inner silence. The key to this boundlessness is to experience ourselves, our Self, and to transfer it into ONEness.
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Suprasensory Perception

Today's one and only complex, effective and fast method for acquiring the so-called suprasensory, extracorporeal abilities. Effective methods that can be used in everyday life.
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Conscious healing

Information healing without energetics, using consciousness, ESP and SSP skills. A practical seminar uniquely designed to give a full insight and understanding of the subject.
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The aim of the course is to learn about the theory and practice of telepathy, to clarify its concepts and operation, and to master the skills needed for its practical use.
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Previous lives

The course aims to bring to the surface the knowledge and memories of past lives. These memories can help to fulfil the present life.
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Force Awareness

The power of the conscious human being is love and the virtues. The seminar will answer the difference between Force and Energy and the practical relationship between Force and Virtues.
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Contact with the spirit world

This seminar will help you to better understand and comprehend the relationship between Spirit and ego and guide you through the many theories and teachings of the schools.
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Akasha is actually the unity of the creative conscious intention of the FORCE and the ONEness. The aim of the course is to understand this theoretically and to experience it practically.
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To be continued.....

to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued to be continued
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— The effective tool of consciousness —
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