Themes for Miron Seminars

We have prepared a recommended path of self-improvement for you, with which we guarantee you success!

Come and join us!

Why is it important to go step by step with self-improvement?

Awareness is key to achieve success and happiness in all areas of life. Staying present, mindful action and thought helps us to achieve fulfilment, harmony and health - physical, mental, spiritual and energetic. The Miron seminars provide all the essential knowledge and practical skills to achieve this.

However, in order to integrate the theoretical material and to be able to apply the energetic, as well as the other exercises and solutions based on it, it is essential that you progress with the courses from the basics continuously, according to the thematic framework.

This steady, balanced pace of learning allows you to absorb and integrate new, interrelated information. As you progress, the meditations and exercises will require more and more presence, awareness and concentration.

It is this systematic progression that will allow you to achieve real success, new experiences on the interesting path of self-awareness.


See the diagram below for the topics of the seminars.

 Click on the image to enlarge.
Miron szemináriumok tematikája

Where do I start to become aware?

  • It all starts with laying the foundations - You can't build a castle on a foundation in the swamp of spiritual knowledge.
  • The Introduction to Higher Conscious State seminar gives you an important, theoretical understanding of the daily body-soul-mind-spiritual connections and provides powerful ways to harmonise them, which you can build on from there. So, with this training, it's worth starting your self-improvement!
  • If you have already started on the path of self-exploration and spiritual knowledge with the help of books, lectures and other trainings, we recommend this course as a basis for further progress in the Miron seminars!

How do I progress further with the courses?

  • The main seminars should always be taken in a sequential manner, the order in which they are structured allows full understanding and effective practical progress. In the diagram demonstrating the seminar, we should proceed with the courses from the bottom to the top.
  • These are accompanied by additional supplementary courses, which provide additional useful knowledge linked to a main seminar.

Where are the seminars held?

The 2-day seminars will be held in Budapest, the 3-day and 4-day retreats in Szécsény.

  • Budapest venue: OKISZ SZÉKHÁZ 1146 Budapest, Thököly street 58-60.
  • Rural location: MAJOR HOTEL 3170 Szécsény, Salgótarjáni street 4.

Szemináriumi részvételi díjak

  • A 2 napos budapesti tanfolyam részvételi díja: 31.990Ft/fő

  • A 4 napos szécsényi szeminárium részvételi díja: 99.000Ft/fő + szállás, ellátás

Hol tudok jegyet vásárolni, jelentkezni a szemináriumokra?

Budapest - 2 napos tanfolyamokra:

A legegyszerűbb módon: fizethetsz bankkártyával a rendszerén keresztül.

Amennyiben utalással vagy a helyszínen készpénzben szeretnél jegyet vásárolni keresd Csiki Elvira oktatásszervező kolléganőnket! (Figyelem: Érdemes elővételben jegyet vásárolnod, mivel helyszíni jegyvásárlás esetén, sajnos nem tudjuk garantálni a férőhelyeket a terem befogadóképessége miatt!)

Szécsény - 3-4 napos szemináriumokra:

A jelentkezés feltétele: A Bevezetés a magasabb szintű tudatosságba (2 napos) tanfolyam elvégzése! A részvétellel kapcsolatosan Keresd Csiki Elvira oktatásszervező kolléganőnket! Elérhetőségei:
  • +36705902535
A tanfolyamdíjat az alábbi számlaszámra kérjük majd befizetni, utalás előtt mindenképp egyeztess Csiki Elvira oktatásszervezővel, mivel a szállás, ellátás ára változhat!!
  • Bankszámlaszám: 11600006-00000001-98071329
  • IBAN szám, ha külföldről utalsz: HU69 1160 0006 0000 0001 9807 1329

Which courses offer accommodation and catering ?

  • The seminar in Szécsény is residential. Accommodation and full catering is provided for a fee. Travel is at your own expense. For more details, please contact Elvira Csiki, our Training Coordinator!  Contact details >>
  •  The Budapest training is not a sleepover! Travel, catering and accommodation are at your own expense, organised individually. 
  • You can have lunch at the nearby Récsei Center or at the catering facilities in the area of 'Keleti pályaudvar' ('Eastern Railway Station'), 2 stops away. If you don't want to leave the training site, you can bring a thermos of coffee or tea, mineral water, sandwiches and fruit to eat during the breaks.

Do you have any more questions?

In the video below, Miron tells you all the important information on why this training system is effective for you!

We love it when we get feedback of the courses

  • ''Thank you for these 2 days! I got cold and hot! I didn't get to know everyone, but maybe that wasn't the goal. The guided meditation is powerful, I am still under the influence the next day. Thanks especially to Miron and his wife and to everyone for their support."
  • "I wholeheartedly recommend the help of Hajnalka and Tamás to everyone. I have experienced what they can do. I have also learned a lot from Tamás."
  • "A dear friend of mine brought Tamás to my attention. I was very keen to learn, to handle, to get closer to the higher intelligence and to be in contact with it, to gain new experiences, so I applied for the course."

Discover and develop the amazing potential within you!

— The effective tool of consciousness —
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