Awareness is key to achieve success and happiness in all areas of life. Staying present, mindful action and thought helps us to achieve fulfilment, harmony and health - physical, mental, spiritual and energetic. The Miron seminars provide all the essential knowledge and practical skills to achieve this. However, in order to integrate the theoretical material and to be able to apply the energetic, as well as the other exercises and solutions based on it, it is essential that you progress with the courses from the basics continuously, according to the thematic framework. This steady, balanced pace of learning allows you to absorb and integrate new, interrelated information. As you progress, the meditations and exercises will require more and more presence, awareness and concentration. It is this systematic progression that will allow you to achieve real success, new experiences on the interesting path of self-awareness. |
The 2-day seminars will be held in Budapest, the 3-day and 4-day retreats in Szécsény.
A 2 napos budapesti tanfolyam részvételi díja: 31.990Ft/fő
A 4 napos szécsényi szeminárium részvételi díja: 99.000Ft/fő + szállás, ellátás
A legegyszerűbb módon: fizethetsz bankkártyával a rendszerén keresztül.
Amennyiben utalással vagy a helyszínen készpénzben szeretnél jegyet vásárolni keresd Csiki Elvira oktatásszervező kolléganőnket! (Figyelem: Érdemes elővételben jegyet vásárolnod, mivel helyszíni jegyvásárlás esetén, sajnos nem tudjuk garantálni a férőhelyeket a terem befogadóképessége miatt!)
In the video below, Miron tells you all the important information on why this training system is effective for you! |